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Teds Holdover Dove Recipe
Shot some doves earlier this year, took them out of the freezer yesterday for today's lunch. Wanted something quick and easy so I thought I'd give his recipe a shot. Was pretty decent, my first time trying dove. Sure does taste a whole lot like chicken lol
Cooking starts at 3:20 in his video titled "Dove Cleaning and Cooking (Re: Dove Hunting with Edgun Matador PCP Air Rifle)" if you're interested. Cant post the link here.
Madd Hatter:
The only time I've had Dove was back in the 80's and it wasn't prepared in anyway except cooked. Way to gamey for my taste which is too bad as I have a bunch of the chinese doves around here.
--- Quote from: Robert Feddeler on January 24, 2020, 06:11:47 PM ---The only time I've had Dove was back in the 80's and it wasn't prepared in anyway except cooked. Way to gamey for my taste which is too bad as I have a bunch of the chinese doves around here.
--- End quote ---
You should give it another shot prepared with a proper recipe this time, mine weren't gamey at all. Bacon wrapped on the grill is going to be my next attempt.
bacon wrapped on the grill is the only way i've had them. i wish i could take them with an air rifle in illinois. my yard is a haven for mourning and collard doves.
Besides Green Wing teall doves are one of my favorite game birds. A lot of Portugees Italian people in my community so you have a wide variety of ways to cook them. I was the little fat kid next door if you know what I mean. Palinta and what ever feathered critter you could put in the sauce was a staple, poor robins. Mike
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