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How To Skin and Clean a G-hog

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Yeah I figured that little fat would melt on the pan.  I will try this method again on a coon.  I did it the 1st time I got one but then switched to hanging the coons on a hook and trying it that way, but found it a little harder.  Probably because the coon kept spinning and moving around.  I will go back to this method as I think is the easiest with smaller animals.  I think I will be keeping the meat this time and just sell this other guy the skins, although he wants the whole raccoon with meat intact.  This would be a good time to raise my prices, so I can keep the meat :)  If he wants it bad enough, he 'll have to pay  :P  8)

The Knot:
As the son of a butcher i have to say thats a amazing tutorial on how to work .And i'am jelouse to the fact that i have no axcess to some Ghogs i have lots of room in my smoker for a tasty critter like that. Thanks for the lesson your work in flawless you made it look easy .

Excellent job Jeff - very clear and concise.  Thank you !!!!

I've printed it out to add to my wild game cook book.


Thanks "Knot"  :)

Thanks Paul  :)

Harry, like you found out smaller animals like bandits are difficult to work with when they are hanging because due to their relatively light weight they tend to swing around as you work on them.  Hanging works well on larger, heavier animals such as deer because their size and weight work in your favor and keeps them from moving about to much.  I skin all my deer while they are hanging and also most of the butchering with it hanging as well.  Then I'll do the fine cutting and trimming on the larger cuts on my large cutting board.  So you're going to try some bandit meat huh ?  Good for you.  I'll be looking forward to your review on the meat.  


I never realized you could eat groundhog. What do they taste like? (don't tell me........chicken, right :) ) What about racoon, and possum what kind of flavor do they have?


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