JohnGreat work, it looks well done. Will follow this for your testing results. Do you use a cocking aid? Since it's smooth bore, I presume you could slide something (non metallic) inside the barrel, and have a handle to match the end of your flare.
I am very interested in this thread. What size shot did you test with? If you can get it to pattern adequately this looks like just the thing for carpenter Bees. I am plagued each spring with dozens of the darn bugs. They bore into untreated or unpainted wood and lay eggs. Then the woodpeckers arrive and start tearing up the wood to get at the Bees. I had to pull a poorly built garage down because of the Bee/Bird combination. The eaves of my barn look like something has been chewing on them. Right now I'm using a 1377 at about 4 pumps. Wing shooting Bees the size of your thumb at a range of 5-10 feet with an air pistol my "Kill" ratio is about 15-20 shots to bring down one Bee.
Well since I got my 125 I've got the Hatsan bug. Now I want an Edge in .22 and a 135 in .25 caliber. I'm hoping to pick up some refurbs. If I see a way to get another refurb 130 in .30 cal I might try this. Please keep posting your testing and experimenting results!