While picking up used BBs from the ground, a few times my fingers could feel that one BB was bigger or smaller than the others. Confirmed by my eyes. These are all standard Daisy "Premium Grade" BBs, not the match grade ones. Anybody else notice this?I can't really complain given the el cheapo price of buying them in a bottle of 6000. Just wondering if this variation within a bottle is common.
One grain variation out of, what, 5 grains average? 20%! My bottle of BBs does not state weight.I had not considered barrels as a big factor, because they are not rifled. OTOH, there's still the exact dimensions and the degree of smoothness. OK, I'm not going to make a fetish of this with my particular BB rifle. It does what it should do within the short distance I shoot it at plinkish things. Actually, it's been better than I expected. 😃
How long ago did you weigh those BBs? What vintage were they? That weight range is huge.About 2 years I did a limited study on the available BBs -- the weights for any given type varied by about 0.2 grains, around 3 to 4 percent of average weight. The Daisy 499B BB target rifle is an example of what is accurate -- very tight BB to Barrel fit -- but not so tight as to jam. The BBs for it are a bit larger, but not to exceed 0.175"Here's the condensed data:
Whew! Thanks for working on that. I never saw a similar comparison chart anywhere.