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Topic: Iowa Field Target Association (Read 1046 times))
Iowa airguner
Posts: 292
Real Name: Eric
Iowa Field Target Association
December 31, 2024, 09:59:15 AM »
I decided ti start a new thread for the club. The name has been decided.
I have found a home base in West Liberty Iowa.
If you are in the area I encourage you to join. It is a very nice facility. I took the tour and they seem pretty safe and welcoming.
This is the Iowa Field Target Association update for the end of the year 2024
The Facebook group has almost at 25 members!
We still need to keep growing the Facebook group. So join if you want and tell your friends.
Over the winter I need to get together with the gun range officials so I can get to work building an airgun field target corse.
I need to get a lot of stuff together.
This is what I plan for the first competition.
The plan is 15 targets in five lanes. There will be three targets per lane. Each target will be between 10-55 yards apart. You will have seven minutes per lane. Two shots per target. And we will go through the corse twice for a total of 60 shots. The reason for going through the corse twice and two shots per target are two fold. We only have a limited number of targets. And most people are new at this. Having four chances to hit the target is a good learning curve. The corse will not be difficult at first.
I will use the Troyer scale for each corse.
There will be a sighting in range set up with a chronograph.
We will have hunter and open class of both PCP and spring guns.
We will set up in squads of three or four.
And have a cookout with some burgers or something directly afterward. This is done while all the scores are tabulated.
We will work out the details about a field target competition schedule for the spring summer and fall.
At this point I plan to be at the range every Saturday morning till around noon. And have a competition for the last Sunday or Saturday of the month. But that’s in the details. In the mean time keep practicing.
USA, IA, Iowa City
Racer X
Iowa airguner
Posts: 292
Real Name: Eric
Re: Iowa Field Target Association
Reply #1 on:
January 31, 2025, 08:40:07 AM »
The Iowa Field Target Association monthly report.
The Facebook group has 27 members as of January 31st.
Not much activity but it is there and I post up videos that I hope will get people interested or at least aware of airguns. I am mainly focused on education at this point . But I think I’ll move back toward field target specific content. As the season draws near.
I am in contact with the gun club and will start to discuss airgun activity when it’s appropriate. At this point I don’t have enough information to put together a proposal that can be submitted to the board. I am confident it will be all good. But it’s a process.
I have ten targets all modified and a proposal written. It’s just waiting for the weather to brake.
If you are interested in joining the Facebook group. I would appreciate it. And if anyone wants to have an airgun discussion. It might help the majority of the group. Because most don’t have airguns yet.
USA, IA, Iowa City
Racer X
bear air
GTA Senior Contributor
Posts: 3557
Real Name: Chris
Re: Iowa Field Target Association
Reply #2 on:
January 31, 2025, 01:12:04 PM »
Good to see some fellow enthusiast's in the state.
Sioux City IA, USA
Psalm 107:14 He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains
Iowa airguner
Posts: 292
Real Name: Eric
Re: Iowa Field Target Association
Reply #3 on:
January 31, 2025, 01:19:59 PM »
Quote from: bear air on January 31, 2025, 01:12:04 PM
Good to see some fellow enthusiast's in the state.
I see you are in Sioux city. Please join the group. If you could bring up some topics or conversation that would be appreciated also. But join in anyhow. There is a surprising number of people I am now running into that currently have airguns. Not Field Target guns of course. But they have all sorts of vintage stuff. One guy went to his parents house and retrieved a couple of target rifles. Another guy has a Saharan 20 cal blue streak he has has since he was a kid.
They just need something to do with them.
Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 01:23:42 PM by Iowa airguner
USA, IA, Iowa City
Racer X
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