German AirGun Gate / Re: Diana 6G versus 6M« Last post by Yogi on Today at 07:41:34 PM »Mike,
I am not saying that my 10M is more accurate than my 5G. But my 5G is more fun and easier to shoot. -Y 2
Back Room / Re: Your weather« Last post by maraudinglizard on Today at 07:36:59 PM »Got about an inch and a half of much need rain here. It was a good, steady rain not a frog strangler. The lightning wasn't to bad either. Second round on Saturday and Sunday then the temps start to drop. I am back to covering up stuff again because most of the plants have started bud out their new growth and a frost will kill the new growth and put the plant into shock. I don't plant any veggies until the last frost has occurred.
Back Room / Re: So if you didn't do anything airgun related what did you do today?« Last post by Blowpipe Sam on Today at 07:33:35 PM »The aggravations of being old! I played another round of phone tag with the orthopedic surgeon’s office. Still no appointment for surgery.
I ran the waterfront and piloted a couple of boats between thunderstorms. At home I tied mom’s canoe on top of her car for her. She can’t get the boat on or off the car by herself but her paddling buddies will help her at the other end. She’s off with her new camper to canoe with friends in west Florida for a week. BTW mom is 85 and paddles an Mohawk solo canoe that was designed for her by the guys at Mohawk back in the eighties. It went into production as the Mohawk expedition 12. 4
Back Room / Re: So....Whatcha Eating?« Last post by avator on Today at 07:28:54 PM »A Bloody Mary.Hmmm... can't remember the last time I ate one of those.. I kinda hope never. ![]() 5
Back Room / Re: Boss corner« Last post by avator on Today at 07:23:40 PM »Ya kinda gotta wonder how many folks are going to complain about the changes who didn't vote or express their opinions?
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Back Room / Re: Boss corner« Last post by avator on Today at 07:19:40 PM »Please tell me how the number of posts I have made relates in any way to how "large topics" are to be handled.Well, the poll is in place to get the opinions of our members as to how to handle some issues we are experiencing. You are an active member and your opinion on the options of potential changes is important. I suppose, being his monkey and his circus, he could just make any changes he saw fit without worrying about what the members thought but it seems pretty obvious that's not what he wants to do. But it's all good, it's a voluntary poll. ![]() 7
German AirGun Gate / Re: Sound of my FWB Sport 124 versus HW77« Last post by tjk on Today at 07:18:51 PM »That old Beeman oil was meant for old leather sealed piston guns. I wouldn’t ever recommend putting anything into the compression tube. A good tune with proper lubrication and components will benefit any springer over factory. The Vortek kits are about the easiest to install. ARH makes an excellent kit but I would leave that to more experienced technicians. My 77 is a hammer with the Vortek kits. Your Sporter sounds like you may need to have a smith look into it. The FWB is a milder shooting breakbarrel and shouldn’t sound very loud. I suspect dieselling from the oil, and perhaps a damaged crumbly seal that could result in harsh breech slamming. Best of luck getting your guns running properly.
Back Room / Re: So....Whatcha Eating?« Last post by Blowpipe Sam on Today at 07:17:02 PM »A Bloody Mary.
Back Room / Re: Boss corner« Last post by farrlarr on Today at 07:11:42 PM »Please tell me how the number of posts I have made relates in any way to how "large topics" are to be handled, since those posts were scattered over a very large number of different topics.
Back Room / Re: Boss corner« Last post by avator on Today at 07:07:00 PM »I suppose I owe you an apology anyways.. truth be told you do contribute alot to the forum.You should know by now that my opinion is gonna be ignorant and possibly unhelpful. Best to let sleeping dogs lay.With 8700 and 1300 posts respectively it kinda is...Not my monkey. |