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Air Venturi AV-46M Review
Dale O:
Just one last update. I decided to go ahead and make one more adjustment to the piston. I advanced TDC another 2 clicks, this make one full turn in total. I'm now at a fairly consistent 485 FPS with a random 488 or 490. There is still no binding at the end of the charging stroke but I do feel the bit more effort it takes. The charging lever still locks in place with a nice click and there is no indication that the seal is compressing and trying to un-seat the charging lever after it's locked. I will leave the pistol as is now and focus on shooting. Thanks for the instruction on how to do this, it was actually a pretty easy task to perform.
I went back and re read this review to see how my impressions coincide . I originally got the AV model then a few months later found one of the Baikal models from a source in Canada and went ahead and picked one of those up so I could have two for some friendly competition with my son when he is home.
My complaint with the AV model is the laminated grip, first thing the cocking handle pad split into two pieces. I glued and then pinned the two pieces back together and all is well there. then I found a spot on the slot where the palm shelf height adjustment screw slides was delaminating, so I ordered a set of nice walnut grips from Rink, grip problem solved. Everything else was fine, no roughness, but I can say I do not see evidence of any "fine" finishing, just utilitarian, not designed to aesthetically impress anyone
Now for the Baikal model, same thing about the finish, The beech stock out of the box is rather slab sided, but a nice piece of wood. I would defy anyone to call it shipping pallet material. I did over a few weeks modify with some finger grooves starting on the front side and extending around to the left as I am right handed. I removed a little wood at a time using a fine round woodI rasp and one with a much larger radius get it to a point where it was very comfortable, then some fine sanding and a few applications of tung oil made the bare wood I exposed match the factory finish.
All in all I like my modified Baikal grip much better than the laminated AV grip,
Frank in Fairfield:
I have not had an AV46 although I have shot one.
I have a IZH46M (My third).
I sold one and gave one to son #1.
I did nothing to the one I gave away but I carved the grips on the first one with my DREMEL.
It came out well.
#3 came with SC grips and I replaced the Russian screws with good Allen Head screws from ACE Hardware.
I added a custom trigger from PA.
This I know, after having shot #3 about 27,000 times (I do not know how many times the fellow in NY shot it):
Just like when storing our other SSP arms (Bluestreak for example) this pistol should be stored with air in the chamber regardless of the what the owner’s manual says.
I give it one pump..
Great write-up, I'm embarrassed I just now found it! I had a 46M years is at the very top of my YOU WERE AN IDIOT TO SELL THAT list...
One note on the trigger. You commented how light it was, note that for any sanctioned competition the minimum pull weight is 500 grams, or just over a pound. Definitely check that - tweaking it on the fly at a match is bad! :D
Again rereading the initial review. My AV model is marked made by Alpha Precision in Russia. Looking up Alpha Precision, Russia, it seems to be a rather convoluted relationship. It is said to be a private company then ties to IZH which is a part of the Kalashnikov concern, so possibly considered a Russian Arms maker, at least barrels, hence sanctions.
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