
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Back Room

When are you going to point the new NAME to the new SITE?


When are you going to point the new NAME to the new SITE?
SO this works

When Are you going to put a link to the new site on the main page of the old site?

Also I wish you would take the opportunity to start off fresh, and NOT be so strict about moving peoples posts.
It should be up to the poster where he wants to post it.
It doesn't violate any ones rights, damage anything or harm anyone.



Posts belong in the proper forums. It is part of the moderators job to move posts when the subject matter does not correspond with that particular forum.

It was me last night that moved your post and others. Bob had put up an intro which we thought was supposedto be locked on the intro page and we saw that you and others were posting there anyway...:)

It was nothing personal but just us learning what we can do and what we cannot do. What works and what does not work. Remember that Bob and I have a learning curve also.. :) We are a couple of old codgers messing around in the dark...:) So please bare with us.

We are getting ready to have our old host point the old GTA to the new Forum.. We wanted to make sure that this new forum would work properly. Like registrations stuff etc.



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