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Roping a deer?

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I have to share a story along those lines. My Grandpa and my Dad were out an about in his 1970's VW Beetle. Details about how/why/with what they harvested a deer with but they did (or so they thought) and threw it in the back (inside, not in the front trunk) of the VW Bug. About 15 minutes later, (and I picture the scene in TOMMY BOY when I think of this) Mr Buck decides he ISN'T Dead and starts kicking my Grandpa and Dad in the back of the head, causing them to frantically pull off to the side of the road and jump out. Details get varied here as both my Dad and Grandpa had different versions of the story, but said deer smashed windows and almost got out before they made sure he was dead with a few not so accurate follow up shots.

Brushy Bill:
Go to You Tube and search "Joe vs the deer"
It is hilarious, WARNING: Graphic language


--- Quote from: Jonesin on December 06, 2010, 01:14:18 PM ---I have to share a story along those lines. My Grandpa and my Dad were out an about in his 1970's VW Beetle. Details about how/why/with what they harvested a deer with but they did (or so they thought) and threw it in the back (inside, not in the front trunk) of the VW Bug. About 15 minutes later, (and I picture the scene in TOMMY BOY when I think of this) Mr Buck decides he ISN'T Dead and starts kicking my Grandpa and Dad in the back of the head, causing them to frantically pull off to the side of the road and jump out. Details get varied here as both my Dad and Grandpa had different versions of the story, but said deer smashed windows and almost got out before they made sure he was dead with a few not so accurate follow up shots.

--- End quote ---

It's alive!

I think it tried to bite me!

No way that just happened.

My car is completely destroyed.

I swear i've seen a lot of stuff in my life, but that was awesome!

But sorry about your car, man.
It not worthy.

"Tommy Boy"

LOL, yep. Various details were omitted due to legalities but back then (this was in the '70s) it was normal for them to be hunting the way they were in the remote section of the Appalachia mountains that side of my family is from.

--- Quote from: Brushy Bill on December 06, 2010, 01:21:25 PM ---Jonesin;
Go to You Tube and search "Joe vs the deer"
It is hilarious, WARNING: Graphic language

--- End quote ---

The 911 call? LOL sounds kinda like the situation they were in!!

ROPING a deer.   What a first I thought it said , "RAPING a deer".    I need to clean my glasses or something.



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