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Gracie (Feb ?, 1996 - Dec 2, 2010) RIP

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In June 1996, after months of begging and promising to take responsibility for a pet, my wife finally gave the nod of approval for daughter Janet, then 14, to get a puppy.  The same day, the kids and I were off to the pound with mom's admonition not to return with a large dog.  But Janet immediately fell in love with a flop-eared, big-footed 4-month old German Shepherd "mix" puppy, and there being no other alternative, home we came with a new pup. 

After a long family discussion about names, I suggested "Grace", pointing out to young Janet that it wasn't any promise she had made about taking care of the puppy, but only her mom's grace that had resulted in our new puppy.  And so "Gracie" was named.

Since that day, Gracie has been a member of our family. To the end, Gracie was the "Alpha-mean woman" -- fearless, never intimidated by any other dog or stranger --  never backing down, always full of energy and ready to run.  She was the smartest dog and most loyal defender, and best friend anyone could ever wish for.

Gracie saw my three kids through grade school, high school, and college.  She moved from our home 4 years ago, with Janet to her new home, to became the loving guardian of my daughter, her husband and two grandkids. 

Gracie lost her battle with cancer this morning, just two months shy of her 15th birthday.  We will all miss her, but take comfort in the thought that all dogs go to heaven.  RIP, Gracie.

I can't imagine the sense off loss you must feel. I am so sorry and please accept my condolenses.

Sorry to hear that Tommy! I have not gotten a dog since we had our last Dachshund  ( Dog = God)

I don't have to imagine it, you have my condolences too, Tommy.  Take care.


 Brings tears to my own eyes.. i'm real sorry for ya'lls loss Tommy and i can empathize, i had my 2 old girls, who had been with us for 16 years and were adult dogs when we got them, both put down at the same time about 3 months ago. It sure is hard to deal with.. that which means that to love something is a guarenteed loss at some point down the road, It makes us grow in our experience and depth, this wonderful and yet painful cycle. Some people.. like my Dad, refuse to have another dog because they can't bear losing them in just a short 10 or so years. I choose to always have several and we commiserate our losses together. I hope they(you) go to the rescue shelter and adopt another furry family member to grace their home and your family. There will never be another quite like Grace but it's amazing how all of them turn out to be the best dog, each in a different way.  Jeff


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