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Ordered me a new powder burning toy today
I went looking through my gun safe today and found a B of A check card. This was my dedicated "Toy and Ammo Card" that I totally FORGOT ABOUT :o ! After a quick run to the ATM to check the balance, I was back home and logged on to and ordered me a Tactical Solutions AR-22 LT upper for my AR-15.
I haven't been this antsy in a looooong time! I can't wait for it to get here!
Have something very similar except that it is a DPMS in .308win. With a good hand load it shoots a solid 3/4 min groups. I think that it is going deer hunting this year. Also have a .243 upper rec. Good coyote banger!
Great way too practice with your AR platform an not cost alot of money Dale, I use a .22 conversion slide on my 1911's,way to much fun.
Yote, I've got a DPMS LR-308 upper that I bought at a show a couple years ago, but no AR-10 lower... A friend of mine works for Cold War Shooters (now Countrywide shooters) and I've been waiting for him to give me a decent price on an 80% AR-10 lower so I can machine it out for the upper. Till then, I just kinda perch it on to of one of my my ar15 lowers and pretend!
I went out a few weeks ago with some buddies from work. We did a little Run 'n Gun out in the hills and every time my rifle kicked a piece of brass I felt my wallet get lighter and lighter!
A .22 conversion for my .45 is next. Which conversion kit are you using and on what pistol?
I've got a Rock Island Armory 1911 Govt. The Ciener kit seems to be the most economical, but I've read that it stove pipes allot. I'd like to get the Kimber, but the $400 list price just makes me wanna go buy another RIA 1911!
Still not cheap but the Marvel unit is flat perfect an has a 1/2" group out of the box at 25yd's, take's a high grade target pistol's too barely beat them, an the way they fit(own seperate slide,saving wear on your .45 lower's rail's) make's them great on any 1911(fit's any of mine in gov. length) an the accuracy make's up for the price.The two you mentioned are nice also but do sometime's need a little fitting from what I've seen(Kimber a better unit).There is a new one out made by Tactical Solution's called the 2211 that come's with alot of bell's on it but they list at $520(guessing street price at $450) an the report only had them at 1 1/2" at 25,take a look at Still if you want one of the best get the Marvel it will pay for it's self over time (sooner or later Bro. LOL) an is a fantastic .22 pistol no matter what you use it for,play,practice or serious target work.
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