
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Hunting Gate

Pellet Question

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The other day I was watching an airgun review on the Benjamin Akela and the reviewer used .22 cal H & N Hornet pellets.  The grouping tests he shot resulted in ragged hole groups and later in the review he set up a variety of targets out to what I believe was 40 yards and was getting outstanding accuracy. 

The only pointed type pellets I've ever used are the Predators, which have worked well for me in my hunting over the years so after watching the review I looked up the Hornet pellets as I've heard of them but I  don't really remember reading any hunting reports  with these pellets being used and I've never seen one in person.

I had no idea they were so expensive but  found out the pointed tip is not plastic, like the Predator pellets, but rather it's made from brass.  OK, I guess that might justify the price if they truly do group well and are effective as a hunting pellet. 

So, my question to you GTA hunters is...........  have you used them and are they worth the price for hunting ??

I have quite a few pellets that have worked very well for me over the years in my air gun hunting but I was thinking with that hard,  brass tip they  might be worth getting for hard headed squirrels and wood chucks.

I don't mind spending the $ on them if they're that good so I thought I'd ask the experts  :)

Thanks in advance for your input  :)


I have never used them for hunting. They tested poorly for accuracy every time I tried them.

My guess is that if you can shoot them accurately they might give some advantage in penetration on a somewhat larger animal's skull, i. e., a raccoon or groundhog. I've never had a .177 pellet of any style fail to penetrate any part of a squirrel's anatomy as long as it's on target.

I have some that were a gift from a Louisiana friend.  I have not used them in a hunting situation. 
I may have to give them a try.?.

 They seem to go head to head with the poly mags, Gamo red fires also in the running. I stick with my poly mag assortment as I stocked up when they had a scratch and dent sale.

Yeah, I stocked up too and have a life supply of PolyMags  :) which I love and work well..... I was just wondering if that brass tip really made any significant difference. 

I may order 1 tin using some of Amazon points just to give em a try  :)



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