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Memorial Weekend Hunt * 5/28/2023
--- Quote from: dk1677 on May 28, 2023, 08:28:09 PM ---Nice shooting Mike!
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Thank you, my friend. I had good teachers.
You are welcome, Randall. I don't know if it actually removes them or just intoxicates them? Hee hee I have tried all the repellents - not 100% prevention with any of them. So I am back to 'Deep Woods Off' before and rubbing alcohol after the hunt.
Good luck with the alcohol treatment.
Mike, here on Long Island we are the tick capital of the entire world. Ticks are so bad it's not uncommon to get 40 or 50 on you if you walk in the woods without chemical protection. The worst are the Lone Star tick larvae, which are active all spring and summer and don't go dormant until the first frost of the winter and even then if you get a warm day they'll come back up from under the leaf litter and become active again. They are about the size of a pin head and cling to leaf branches in clusters that number in the hundreds. You brush up against them and you suddenly have over a hundred larvae on you. 3 years ago I was bitten by lone star tick larvae and contracted the "Alpha Gal" red meat allergy. Could not eat any red meat, domestic or wild game, for the year and a 1/2 it took for my allergy to go away. I was lucky in that my allergy went away. I have friends here who have had the allergy for over 5 years now and it's showing no sign of getting weaker. Some people have the allergy for life.
Needless to say I am paranoid about getting bitten again by a lone star tick as another bite could cause me to get the allergy again... this according to the specialist I was seeing for the time I had the allergy.
Anyway, I still go hunting in the woods here but I always make sure my entire set of clothing is treated with "Sawyers" tick repellent. The stuff is awesome. You treat your clothes with it, let it dry and the protection will last for up to 42 days and up to 6 washings. Since I began using the Sawyers treatment I have never had a single tick get past my protected clothing and get on my skin. I will find them dead on the clothes sometimes, but they never make it past my clothing. Practically all my hunting friends here use it and it works just as well for them. We won't even think about going into the woods without our clothes being treated with the stuff. It really is amazing. After I return home from the woods I still check myself to make sure and I always put the clothing I wore in the dryer on "high" heat for 15 minutes to kill any hitch hikers, but the Sawyers has kept me tick free for years now since my allergy went away.
Here's a link...........................
Give this stuff a try.... you won't be sorry.
Thanks for the information Jeff. I will give the clothes treatment a try.
2A Georgia:
--- Quote from: Bicycleman on May 28, 2023, 12:21:15 PM ---Good morning all and Bless those killed in wars and Missing In Action.
This morning, the temperature was 50ºF before sunrise. I decided that was cool enough to go to the woods and get squirrels but not Chiggers and Ticks.
The squirrels were very active starting about 8 a.m. The first one that offered a shot was a Gray Squirrel that was about 6 inches long. That one got a pass. #2 was fairly high in a tree and I missed. The pellet was close enough that it bailed out of that tree completely, and landed in another tree - it didn't stop as long as I could see it. The third is the one pictured. I think the first shot was the one that shattered the spine below the ribs. The head shot finished it off. I did knock another out of a tree. I could see it on the ground where it fell. It squirmed around, then stopped moving. But when I went to retrieve it, that rascal scampered away, and eventually got into a rock cave. It was probably hit in a front leg and will survive.
I continued walking to my truck. The temperature was rising and I needed to get home for church. I finished my hunt about 8:45 a.m.
This was my first Spring Squirrel Season hunt; and it may be the last unless the temperature drops to 50º or below again.
Stay well everyone.
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Congrads on a fruitful woods walk....spring season I might have to explore an out of state license as I used to drive up to Blue Ridge/Fanin County Georgia
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