Legal for what? Is this referring to some kind of competition shooting, where it's a matter of contest rules rather than local, state, or federal law?
What's you opinion on them when shooting a spring gun?I was using the standard "U" on the bogpod with a sock folded for cushion. I did pretty well like that but wanted to try something else. I only have around 25 shots with the Caldwell on it so only time will tell. I'm thinking that some of the stability is from the weight of the bag. Otherwise the caldwell creates the same "cradle" as the "U + Sock" combo.Also the sock is also slicker and the caldwell has more grip to it.
Ideally you want a custom YOKE to help damp YOUR MOTIONS and not the guns cyclic motions ..... For there to be good accuracy from a spring gun, it needs to be allowed too recoil naturally and be consistent in this allowed recoil shot to shot