Target Shooting Matches, Discussion & Events > Target Match Rules
Something wrong
--- Quote from: canebreaker on February 01, 2017, 10:59:53 PM ---Mark,
1 yard is 36 inches, 10 yards is 36 ft.
1 meter is 39.37 inches, 10 meters is 32.81 ft.
How can a measurement 3.37 inches longer multiplied by 10 be 3.19 ft shorter?
I'm not from MO, but you got to show me this.
--- End quote ---
Okay, try this, comparing feet to feet.
1 yard is three feet, 10 yards is 30 feet....not 36 feet...
I'm sure glad we don't measure these distances in cubits!
It's really kind of all the same to me...if I'm going to hit it offhand at 10 meters or 10 feet, it better look like
You mathemagicians are making my head hurt.... >:(
I'm guilty of the same mistake so I just let Google do it for me... ::)
As a 3rd period apprentice I forgot their was 12" to 1', So I read all kinds of measurements of web to web and bottom flange to bottom flange wrong.
The GF was SOOO PO'd. Oops.
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