Hey Manny, Craig here. When Air Archery hunting, what season type is it considered? Bow or Air rifle? By the way, how is that pellet trimmerworking out for you? Craig
As always your hunting setups are bad !!!. Aren,t we suppose to be dedicated traditional archers LOL. Mike
Hi Manny Great information on the Rex with arrows. If you could give me a little more information. I have the 19” barrel model and when you cut down the bolts do you cut the front and install a new insert for the broadhead?. And do you run with the end cap off to get to the barrel or just but the aluminum piece up against the end cap of the shroud. Thank you for any information. Marco25
Well Manny I was wrong I looked into the inline valve system and your right back pressure can cause higher dwell in this system and thus higher FPE output and lower shot count due to higher dwell I guess that explains a lot.
I’ve got the opportunity to pick up a Rex from the used market but I’m not sure of air bolts. It’s a 357 like Manny’s . Is there a magic formula for making your own bolts? I do have a lathe so making knocks and front guides shouldn’t be a problem. Any advise here ? I’m a complete newb when it comes to any form of archery.
most people don't know that all FX guns are easily converted, with the purchase of a kit, to an "air bow" Pretty nice knowing that even a person's .177 dreamline can be very easily converted to an air bow that has no trouble taking big game with ease.
Can someone take close up pics of what the nocks look like on the air Venturi bolts ? Better yet the whole bolt. Also what material do you think is used for the nocks and guides? Would PFTE work or is that too soft?