Target Shooting Matches, Discussion & Events > 100 Yard Match
Results Added....100 Yard Air Rifle Match # 5-2017
Welcome to the fifth 100 yard match. This match will run for 4 weeks. The rules and targets can be found at the rules and targets thread for this match
Post a scan or picture of the target by the end of the day Sunday September 17 2017
If you are not a member of the NUAH Club and would like to join or would like to upgrade your Division standing, your submitted target can be used for that also. All the rules to becoming a member of the NUAH Club must be followed also.
Please include with you submission:
Score and Group Size
Any other info you would like to share(weather,pictures, etc)
Have Fun and Enjoy.
Results... will be posted ongoing as the match progresses at the bottom of this post. I will break down the scores by the different calibers shot.
GOLD - marty2(.25) - 50/50 1X
SILVER - Blue - 50/50
marty2 - 43/50 1.915" CTC
Blue - 50/50 1.04" CTC
marty2 - 50/50 1X 0.78" CTC
marty2 - 47/50 1.294" CTC
Decided I'd give the 100yd match a try, it was definitely a fun challenge. I shot roughly 10 targets to get the one I submitted, which I was very happy with. I'd like this submission to be for N.U.A.H. as well. Was so close, but couldn't quite get master my first try. There's always next time right?? For $299, I'm very pleased with the 100yd groups. Only modifications are smoothing out the magazines and cranking down the hammer spring a bit.
Match #5 2017
Hatsan AT44-10QE .22 (Short)
Hawke Vantage 4-12X40 (12x)
Jsb Diabolo Jumbo Exact 15.89 .22 (Straiight from tin)
Bipod, Rear Rolled up Towel
Score: 49/50 3x
Group size: .85 ctc and 4/5 in .35 ctc
(Used a ruler and tape measure since I don't have any digital calipers)
Wind: 0-2 mph
Shooting somewhere around 930 fps
I understand if some are skeptical of my submission, as it does not appear to be four pellets clustered together, but three. I am 100% positive that there were 5 pellets in the magazine. Distance was verified on google earth as well as tape measured. Also rookie mistake didn't use cardstock used printer paper instead. I forgot to take some but I'll post pics of the shooting range as well.
Finally got around to posting the pics sorry guys
James... sounds like you have an excellent target but I need a picture of the target posted in your thread to be entered in the match.
As per the NUAH club.... you need to post over in The Lone Range Club gate following the rules posted there. It sounds like this target would qualify you to become a member.
I am so happy I finally got up to the range to play this morning! I'm also super happy I managed to get a decent target to submit for an "official" round, thanks again Marty for putting this together!
Shot one target that came out with 3 x's but scored as 46, so I'll go with 50 and no x's.
Gen 2. Mrod .22
CP 4-16x44
H&N FTT 5.53
Seated, front and rear bags
50/50 group=1.04"
I don't think I'm even going to try posting pics through photobucket anymore so here they are in all their compressed glory.
Nice shooting Blue!!! What beautiful scenery too 8)
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