Target Shooting Matches, Discussion & Events > 100 Yard Match
Results Added.... 100 Yard Air rifle Match # 4-2017
Welcome to the Fourth 100 yard match. This match will run for 4 weeks. The rules and targets can be found at the rules and targets thread for this match
Post a scan or picture of the target by the end of the day Sunday August 20 2017
If you are not a member of the NUAH Club and would like to join or would like to upgrade your Division standing, your submitted target can be used for that also. All the rules to becoming a member of the NUAH Club must be followed also.
Please include with you submission:
Score and Group Size
Any other info you would like to share(weather,pictures, etc)
Have Fun and Enjoy.
Results... will be posted ongoing as the match progresses at the bottom of this post. I will break down the scores by the different calibers shot.
Gold Nitrocrusher
Silver Pappy
Bronze marty2(25 cal)
Pappy - 50/50 2X 1.446" CTC
Nitrocrusher - 50/50 2X 0.930" CTC
Aged - 47/50 1X 2.40" CTC
marty2 - 50/50 1X 1.224" CTC
pcp_Dave - 49/50 2X 1.151" CTC
marty2 - 50/50 1X 1.365" CTC
Sorry for the poor pic, I'm still getting used to the Imgur software. Shot this group on July 26/17 at 104yds with gusting winds that were in between 3-10mph. I used a front rest and rear sand bag and shot Jsb 34g .25cal pellets. The groups on the other targets I shot that day were dispersed more horizontally until with this one I found the patience to wait for the lulls in the wind. I believe it's a 47 with one X and grouped at 2.4". Btw the four 10s were 1.12" ctc. I visually inspect all my pellets with a lighten magnifier and like everyone else I can't definitely explain the flier >:(.
Finally, the wind & rain Gods jived with my work schedule, and I was able to get out to the range this morning. This is my first entry into the 100 Yard Air Rifle Match, and with Marty's permission, I would like this to be my first submission for N.U.A.H., please. Marty, if you need any other pics or info, just holler. I know I can do better, my rifle's capabilities far exceed my shooting skills. Practice, practice, practice.
Match #4-2017
Pappy / Allan
Daystate Air Wolf MCT .22 Cal
Hawke Sidewinder 8-32x56 SR Pro used 20 power
JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo .22 15.89gr / cleaned & lubed, not weight sorted
Seated at bench, front rest Bulls Bag, rear rest Protektor Rabbit Ear
Score: 50 / 2 or 3X? / Marty's call ....
64* Winds calm 2mph with gusts to 4mph
10 shot magazine used
The range is PA State Gamelands Rifle Range #203, Wexford PA
Shot on low power, around 200 bar, avg FPS 894, ES about 7, ES% about 0.8%, Avg FPE 28
Shot 8 targets, 2 best scored 50/50, pics below include .... entry target, CTC caliper, Zoom score, 4MOA caliper, the range, my range target board, my other 50 score target, and a group in my sighter target. My avatar is me with my Wolf taken at Steve's house (nitrocrushr).
Sorry for the horizontal pics ..... ??? :-[
Pappy / Allan
Nice shooting Allan!! It's about time you get a target submitted ;D
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