
Airgun Repository of Knowledge(The ARK) > GRIP

GTA GRiP REVIEW - Behind the Scenes on a GRiP Review Video!



Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into a typical GRiP review.  Our goal is to bring the raw data to airgun enthusiasts without the color of personal subjectivity that so often enters the “review” mix.  It’s not about convincing airgunner to buy or not to buy a specific product.  We want to gather the data and then simply present it in a real-world manner so that shooters can know what to expect out of a product.

If you like what we are doing, please let us know.  If you are a manufacturer and would like to have your products reviewed through our purely objective GRiP Review process, please contact us and we’ll be happy to work with you.

If you are watching this video and it’s not 2022, you still have a chance to enter!  Please visit: (contest ends 12/31/2021)

Learn more about The Gateway to Airguns:
GRiP reviews on the GTA:

For more information on Products Used:
Umarex Origin Rifle -
AIRMAX 30 WA SF 4-16x50 -

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