
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > China/Asian AirGun Gate

Must Love CPHP 7.9's. Best Groups!


For me, budget airgunning runs on CPHP's.
Cheap, nice and available everywhere.
Any springer that likes cphp's makes me like that springer more, ha ha.
This is my best 5 shot group so far:
-Beeman Longhorn and cphp 7.9's. 18+ftlbs.
-49 yards, rested, stock scope and trigger.
-4 of 5 barely fit under the quarter, I pulled the 5th.

that group is phenomenal at that distance. I think that it would have been easy 1/2 that size if you used a smaller point of aim. your red mark is easy about a nickel size in diameter. Use a smaller dot (.25 inch ) and a stronger magnification glass and i know that gun can do a lot better. Look at the group, is nicely centered and the up down variation could easily be speed variation (especially since you shot it at 49 yards). side to side is you and that trigger. Fortunate is he who has an airgun that can shoot cheaply acquired and plentiful ammo that well. Bravo!


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