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Hatsam Vortex Type 1 Ram..What Am I Missing??

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I opened up a defunct Virtex typr 1 ram.
I found NO piston...unless I dropped it,and I don't think I did.
There ia a rod with a small button headscrew at the inner end, holding an O-ring of some sort..
But the ram is certainly not large enough to act as the piston.

What am I missing here??

 Yup that's about it, you should see the tiny piston O-rings on a Shoe Box Compressor.

So, the increase  of pressure inside a gas ram is only due th the volume taken up by the untrusion of the rod?

NO piston contactine the wallsof the cylinder?

Is this the how come degradidion of the O-rings in the nose are reponsible for the demise of the ram?


Ya throu me for a loop the first time I took one apart. Like you I was expecting to see a piston with orings. I am still not to sure exactly how it works but most failures I have had was the oring in the head that seal the shift.They are inside the end cap
And can be a bugger to replace.


--- Quote from: Ronno6 on August 12, 2023, 09:37:37 AM ---I opened up a defunct Vortex type 1 ram.
I found NO piston...unless I dropped it,and I don't think I did.
There is a rod with a small button headscrew at the inner end, holding an O-ring of some sort..
But the ram is certainly not large enough to act as the piston.

What am I missing here??

--- End quote ---

Nothing, that is exactly the way they work. Button screw with small washer at inner end of rod is there to keep it from flying OUT when pressurized. Replace the 2 o-rings inside the shaft bushing. That should stop most leaks.

High pressure works on the END AREA of the rod ONLY.

Gas STRUTS/LIFTS have a kind of piston head, but it is there to SLOW DOWN the action of the strut. That is why you DON'T want to use an NP1 to lift your toolbox lid (WAY too FAST). It it also why you can't use the heavy duty tailgate lift struts in an air rifle (WAY too SLOW).

--- Quote from: Ronno6 on August 12, 2023, 12:08:05 PM ---So, the increase  of pressure inside a gas ram is only due to the volume taken up by the intrusion of the rod?

NO piston contacting the walls of the cylinder?

Is this the how come degradation of the O-rings in the nose are responsible for the demise of the ram?


--- End quote ---

YES! That is why compressing an NP-like air/gas spring starts at 140lbs and only climbs to 180 lbs. The rod volume causes the increase in pressure.
Similar energy coil spring would start at 80lbs and finish at 240lbs. Both power an air rifle to about 17fpe.


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