A 5.5fpe hw30 is not healthy unless the intent was to achieve that power level with the tune.IMO
Drew,My understanding is that Cross-hatching the comp tube helps retain Moly in the little grooves. Clean the comp tube and leave the grease in the "scratches" so no dieseling. Krtox or Ultimox binds to the metal so so scratches to store lubrication are needed or wanted. My understanding anyway.... -Y
Yup!Sorry!This is what happens when you write at some late hour after a whole day of wife and kids, LOL!Apologies! yes it is an R-7 / HW30.Time with your wife and children is better than airguns anyway. Most of my guns sat unfired many years for that reason. I wish we could do it again. HM
I was interested in the cross-hatching pointed out as being problemati. Was anything done to alter or modify that to 'repair' it?
Time with your wife and children is better than airguns anyway. Most of my guns sat unfired many years for that reason. I wish we could do it again.