
Airgun Repository of Knowledge(The ARK) > Optics and accessories

Up Close Look @ the DonnyFL Fat-Boy 2.0 (Multi Caliber LDC)



Here is an up close look at the new Donny FL Fat-Boy 2.0 Multi Caliber Airgun Suppressor. This video will also give the measurments and weight of this amazing LDC. Thanks for watching! -Nate

I still do not understand the duel rating of .177/.22 or .22/.25, etc.
I my mind it is suboptimal at one and better at the other... :-[



--- Quote from: Yogi on December 27, 2021, 07:06:54 PM ---I still do not understand the duel rating of .177/.22 or .22/.25, etc.
I my mind it is suboptimal at one and better at the other... :-[


--- End quote ---

There don't seem to be very many loud .177's out there and .22 and .25 being the primary market they get the benefit of the design.


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